CiteScore: 1.8
Biotech Studies 2015, Vol 24, Num, 1     (Pages: 030-037)

Varying IUCN Threat Categories of the Plants of Eskişehir Province Grasslands

Celalettin AYGÜN ,İsmail KARA ,Abdullah Levent SEVER ,İlker ERDOĞDU ,A. Kadir ATALAY

1 Geçit Kuşağı Tarımsal Araştırma Enstitüsü Müdürlüğü, Eskişehir - This study was aimed to determine growing condition of plants according to threat categories as a result of vegetation study made by modified Wheel point method in area of 143 in Eskişehir province in comparison of plants based on Redbook of Turkey`s plant groving in Eskişehir pasture areas. Growing conditions of plants in 1989 and 2000 determined are below; in 1989; 1 specie (E) endangered, 23 species (R) rare, 1 specie (K) deficient and 4 species (n/l) not in the list. In 2000; 1 specie (CR) critically endangered, 2 species (EN) endangered, 11 species (VU) vulnerable, 12 species (LR) least threatened, 8 species (n/l) not in the list. In comparison of 1989 and 2000 changes occurred in plant growing conditions and changes occurred are shown below; 1 species from (E) endangered to (n/l) not in the list, in 5 species in (V) vulnerable 1 to (EN) endangered, 1 to (n/l) not in the list, 1 to (CR) critically endangered and last one to (VU) susceptible of 21 species in (R) rare 11 species to (LR) least threatened, 3 species to (n/l) not in the list and 7 species to (VU) susceptible. One species in (K) deficient changed to (EN) endangered. Besides 4 species remained same growing conditions and 2 species were found as (VU) vulnerable, in the endemics list 4 species(NT) near threatened, 5 species (LC) least concern, 1 species (VU) vulnerable and 2015 IUCN browse; 1 species (LC) least concern were determined. Keywords : Eskişehir, grassland, IUCN category, threat