CiteScore: 1.8
Biotech Studies 2016, Vol 25, Num, 1     (Pages: 136-140)

Identification of New Resistant Sources to Sunn Pest in Turkey

Ferit TURANLI 1 ,Muzaffer TOSUN 2 ,Fatma AYKUT TONK 2 ,Emre İLKER 2 ,Mehmet ÇAKIR 3 ,Ekrem KAYA 4 ,Erkan YILMAZ 4 ,Firdevs ERSİN 1 ,Deniz İŞTİPLİLER 2 ,Ebru SAVRAN 2 ,Mehmet KÖYMEN 1

1 Ege Üniversitesi, Ziraat Fakültesi, Bitki Koruma Bölümü, İzmir
2 Ege Üniversitesi, Ziraat Fakültesi, Tarla Bitkileri Bölümü, İzmir
3 Murdoch Üniversitesi, Perth, Avustralya
4 Bornova Zirai Mücadele Araştırma İstasyonu Müdürlüğü, İzmir
DOI : 10.21566/tarbitderg.280303 - Sunn pest, Eurygaster spp., (Hemiptera; Scutelleridae), is one of the most important pests of wheat in Turkey and other west and Central Asian countries as it can significant cause damage on leaves, stems, spikes and grains. In this study, the wheat varieties commonly grown in the regions where the pest is a problem and some land races collected from the regions with Sunn pest prevalence were evaluated for resistance. A set of international wheat lines from ICARDA were also used. The experiments was conducted as open field cage trials on the experimental plots at the Faculty of Agriculture of Ege University, by using a Sunn pest population that was collected from Çanakkale province, where the pest was intensely found in recent years. Plants were infested with two adults (one male and one female) at the migration time of insects to wheat fields, in April and they were allowed to feed on the plants. With this infestation level, insect density was 5 Sunn pest individuals per square meter. Sixty two nymphs per square meter were emerged from the eggs of that over wintered adults. Damage ratio was equal to 12.4% sucking damage in each infested cage. According to findings under heavy infestation conditions (12.4% sucking damage), genotypes having high sedimentation values like 7. and 2. (international genotypes) and 59. (national genotype) can be more promising genotypes in view of the resistant to Sunn pest. Keywords : Sunn pest, insect resistance, bread wheat, sedimentation, land races