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Biotech Studies 2016, Vol 25, Num, 1     (Pages: 184-190)

Evaluation for Some Quality and Technological Properties of Grown Chickpea Genotypes in the Lake District Provincials

Muharrem KAYA ,Ruziye KARAMAN ,Murat ÇAPAR

1 Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi, Ziraat Fakültesi, Tarla Bitkileri Bölümü, Isparta DOI : 10.21566/tarbitderg.280377 - Research was conducted grain and some technological properties of local chickpea populations collected from provinces near and located in the Lake District with registered chickpea varieties grown in the region at SDU Faculty of Agriculture Field Crops Laboratories in 2013-2014. Different chickpea genotypes with the most grown registered varieties seeds were collected and classified according to size and colour of testa from producer field sin provinces of Isparta, Burdur, Denizli, Uşak ve Afyonkarahisar of villages and towns where chickpea cultivation done intensely. In experiment, in obtained seeds; properties of testa rate, 100 grain weight, sieve analysis, content of moisture grain, dry weight, wet weight, capacity of water in take and index, dry volume, wet volume, swelling capacity and index, cooking time and crude protein rate is determinated as three replications. It was made analysis of variance according to Completely Randomized Parcel Design with obtained data and averages was compared with test of Tukey. According to results; among dry weight 32.27-60.49 g; wet weight 72.06-132.82 g; dry volume 27.33-49.66 ml; wet volume 55.33-109.33 ml; crude protein rate 18.24-27.57%; cooking time 30-90 minutes; 100 grain weight 34.79-64.99 g; testa rate 0.66-3.07%; capacity of water in take 0.39-0.72 g/grain; water in take index 0.7-3.46; swelling capacity 0.253- 1.153 g/grain; swelling index 1.847-3.633 and content of moisture grain 3.88-12.27% have changed. It is determinated as seeds in using experiment 35.15% are 31 calibre and upper size. Keywords : Chickpea, quality, technological properties