CiteScore: 1.8
Biotech Studies 2016, Vol 25, Num, 2     (Pages: 067-070)

Performance of Some Sugar Beet Cultivars in Eskişehir Conditions

Engin Gökhan KULAN 1 ,Mehmet Demir KAYA 1 ,Ertuğrul KARAŞ 2

1 Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniv., Ziraat Fakültesi, Tarla Bitkileri Bölümü, Eskişehir
2 Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniv., Ziraat Fakültesi, Biyosistem Müh. Bölümü, Eskişehir
DOI : 10.21566/tarbitderg.281848 - This was conducted to determine the performance of some sugar beet cultivars in Eskişehir conditions in 2014. Nine sugar beet cultivars Valentina, Agnessa, Calixta, Zanzibar, Bison, Mohican, Maden, Esperanza and Pauletta were used in the study. The experiment was established as randomized complete block design with four replications. Field emergence (%), root length (cm), root diameter (cm), root weight (g/plant), root yield (kg/da) and polar sugar content (%) were investigated. The results of the experiment showed that a significant difference among the sugar beet cultivars was found. Mohican gave the highest root weight with 1330 g/plant while root yield was obtained in Esperanza with 10254 kg/da. Among the cultivars Bison possessed the better field emergence performance than the others. It was concluded that Maden, Agnessa and Zanzibar should be preferred for high root yield, and Calixta, Zanzibar and Maden for polar sugar content. Keywords : Beta vulgaris L., yield, cultivar, polar sugar content