CiteScore: 1.8
Biotech Studies 2016, Vol 25, Num, 2     (Pages: 285-288)

The Isolates are Known to Have High Ability to Produce Lactic Acid in Corn Silage In-Vitro Gas Production Values and Their Effects on Feed Quality Properties

Mustafa KIZILŞİMŞEK 1 ,Negar Ebrahim Pour MOKHTARİ 1 ,Adem EROL 1 ,Çehre ÖZTÜRK 2 ,Latife GÜRKAN 1

1 Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi, Ziraat Fak., Tarla Bitkileri Böl., Kahramanmaraş
2 Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üni., Fen Bilim. Enst., Tarla Bit. Anabilim Dalı, Kahramanmaraş
DOI : 10.21566/tarbitderg.282849 - Fermented products are food preservation method that was used for various purposes for mankind since many years. Silage production is a green forage preservation method for livestock feeding. The lactic acid bacteria (LAB) that epiphytically founds on the forage plants can break down water-soluble carbohydrates in anaerobic conditions into organic acids mainly lactic acid. As a result of breakdown, silage pH comes down preventing green and wet forage from spoilage. Usage of microbial inoculants that affects the quality of fermentation, silage quality and digestibility of forage is becoming increasingly widespread. In this study, high lactic acid producer LAB isolates were investigated in terms of their effects on the in-vitro gas production, organic matter digestibility, metabolic energy value and feed quality of inoculated corn silage. Keywords : LAB, corn silage quality, in-vitro digestion