CiteScore: 1.8
Biotech Studies 2016, Vol 25, Num, 2     (Pages: 334-339)

Bioethanol Production from Sugar Beet

Süreyya Gülfem ALTUNBAY ,Ayşe KANGAL ,Songül GÜREL

1 Türkiye Şeker Fabrikaları A.Ş., Şeker Enstitüsü, Ankara DOI : 10.21566/tarbitderg.282864 - Today, gradually running out of fossil fuels, the destruction of ecosystems, efforts to avoid being dependant on foreign countries for energy and to increase energy diversity have increased the importance of fuels such as bioethanol. Biomass production of bioethanol from sugar beet molasses will lead to open a new market for beet producers, to widespread the crop rotation, to create an energy farming culture and lead to an increase in sugar beet growing areas. Bioethanol also contributes favorable support to the ecology by providing diversity in agricultural production and it is important for creating sustainable agricultural structure and supporting rural development. Bioethanol in general is obtained by fermentation of plants containing sugar and starch. Sugar beet molasses is used for the production of bioethanol from sugar beet. Production of bioethanol from molasses is carried out at three stages such as yeast reproduction, fermentation and distillation. The alcohol obtained in %96 purity during ethanol production process is not used as biofuel. In order to be used as biofuel it should be in %99.5 purity. Therefore, in alcohol plants the purification and distillation units are needed in addition to fermentation unit. Attention should be paid to alternative energy sources such as bioethanol since the oil reserves are decreasing and environment problems are increasing. Keywords : Sugar beet, bioethanol, energy, biomass, customizing