CiteScore: 1.8
Biotech Studies 2012, Vol 20, Num, 1     (Pages: 022-031)

Determination of Reactions of Some Wheat Genotypes Developed against Ug99 Stem Rust Race, Local Stem and Yellow Rust Races

Kadir AKAN 1 ,Zafer MERT 1 ,Lütfi ÇETİN 1 ,Ayten SALANTUR 1 ,Selami YAZAR 1 ,Emin DÖNMEZ 1 ,Bayram ÖZDEMİR 1 ,Sadık YALÇIN 2 ,Yusuf ÖZER 2 ,Ruth WANYERA 3

1 Tarla Bitkileri Merkez Araştırma Enstitüsü, Ankara
2 İl Gıda Tarım ve Hayvancılık Müdürlüğü, Kastamonu
3 Kenya Agricultural Research Institute, Njoro, Kenya
- Rust diseases (Puccinia spp.) can cause significant yield and quality loses especially in epidemy years. The pathogen is capable of producing new races which might cause epidemics in global level. In this respect, a new aggressive race (Ug99 TTKS) of stem rust was recorded in Uganda in 1999, which spreaded through Kenya, Sudan, Yemen, Iran, Zimbabwe, South Africa and Eritrea. 75 wheat genotypes developed by Ankara Central Research Institute for Field Crops were tested for Ug99 stem rust race in Kenya. At the same time, these genotypes were also tested for yellow rust races in Ankara İkizce location and for local stem rust in Kastamonu Seydiler location in Turkey. 25 genotypes were found resistant to Ug99 in Kenya condition. 58 genotypes and 36 genotypes were found resistant to local yellow rust and stem rust, respectively. These resistant genotypes can be used to develop resistant genotype in breeding programmes. Keywords : Wheat (Triticum spp), Ug99, Stem rust, Yellow rust