CiteScore: 1.8
Biotech Studies 2008, Vol 17, Num, 1-2

Opium Alkaloids and Their Importance


1 Tarla Bitkileri Merkez Araştırma Enstitüsü, Yenimahalle-ANKARA - Opium, which is used for medical purposes both in Turkey and in the world, is obtained from the plant, opium poppy (Papaver somniferum L.) The planting of opium poppy is supervised by the UN all over the world. The UN designated Turkey, India, Australia, France, Spain, Hungary, Czech Republic and China as the legal producers of opium poppy. Turkey and India are regarded as the traditional opium poppy producer countries by the UN. Within this framework, Turkey has been entitled to grow opium poppy plants on the fields covering an area of 70.000 hectares. Within this limit, about 100.000 producers are encouraged to plant opium poppies and produce their unripe capsules in 13 different districts of Turkey. Slits used to be made along the circumference of the seed capsules, enabling the milky sap to ooze out and dry to get opium in the past. However, opium production through this method was forbidden by the law article 7/9204 dated 06/12/1974. The unripe capsules of opium poppy have been processed in alkaloid factory in Afyon / Bolvadin, making Turkey a much safer and secure production center. This method does not permit the illicit use of opium produced. Opium poppy production in Turkey has been restricted by the law enacted by the cabinet rule so as to be put into effect in certain regions and provinces. The farmers in these regions are to sell their capsules to TMO (Turkish Agricultural Products Purchasing Bureau) only by rule, whereas the seeds can be marketed locally. This has given the local farmers guarantee to sell their production, enabling them to sell their production without any facing any marketing problem. Keywords : Opium, poppy, Papaver somniferum L., alkaloid