CiteScore: 1.8
Biotech Studies 2006, Vol 15, Num, 1-2     (Pages: 061-073)

SEED PRODUCTION of WHEAT (Triticum aestivum L.) and BARLEY (Hordeum vulgare L.)


1 Tarla Bitkileri Merkez Araştırma Enstitüsü, PK:226 Ulus/Ankara - Seed production of wheat and barley compose of several subsequentel processes such as production of required amount of certified seeds on time. An effective seed production program includes many basic components mechinal cleaning during sowing, harvest and the selector, removal of other species from field from heading to harvest, on time harvest and a good storage. The aim of seed production is to ensure clean seed material free from other species and weed seeds, large, plump grain without disease and high germination ability. Certified seed or seed material with high genetic, biologic and physical values and purity should be produced and distributed to the farmers, on time. The use and production certified seeds of varieties with high genetic potential increase quality and yield. Keywords : Wheat, Barley, Seed production