CiteScore: 1.8
Biotech Studies 2017, Vol 26, Num, 2     (Pages: 170-179)

Drought Effect in Different Level of Plant Development Stage on Quality Characters in Bread Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Genotypes

İrfan ÖZTÜRK 1 ,Kayıhan Zahit KORKUT 2

1 Trakya Tarımsal Araştırma Enstitüsü, PK:16 Edirne
2 Namık Kemal Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi, Tarla Bitkileri Bölümü, Tekirdağ
DOI : 10.21566/tarbitderg.366377 - Quality in bread wheat is affected by genetic and environmental factors and quality values change depending on environmental conditions. The effects of drought stress on some quality characteristics of different plant development stages were investigated. This research was conducted with 15 genotypes and in completely randomized blocks design in split plot with three replications in Edirne in 2009 and 2010. The water stresses were imposed from shooting (GS31) up to end of during grain filling stages (GS94) of crop growth and development. Grain yield, 1000-grain weight, test weight, protein, gluten, gluten index, grain hardness and sedimentation values were investigated. According to the results, highest protein (12.5%), grain hardness (55.4) and gluten value (33.7%) was obtained under drought stress condition, applied from stem elongation up to physiological maturating stage. The highest sedimentation was recorded under nontreatment condition. The highest gluten index (85.7%), 1000-kernel weight (40.9 g) and test weight (81.2 kg) were obtained under non-stress condition. Result of the study indicated that Aldane has highest quality amongst investigated genotypes and based on investigated quality parameters. There wasn`t any recorded drought stress from shooting up to heading stage while partially reduced soil water content during grain filling period caused an increase in quality characteristics of genotypes. Keywords : Bread wheat, drought application, yield, quality