CiteScore: 1.8
Biotech Studies 1998, Vol 7, Num, 1     (Pages: 001-009)


Dr. Alptekin KARAGÖZ

1 Tarla Bitkileri Merkez Araştırma Enstitüsü, PK 226, 06042, Ulus, Ankara - Importance of biological diversity is accepted by all the sectors dealing with biological objects. The term is not only restricted to plant and animal genetic resources, insects and other flora and fauna elements in the ecosystem, but also all diversity among elements of natural habitats that pertain to food production. Agrobiodiversity makes it possible for farmers to recycle nutrients, to reduce disease and pest problems, to control weeds, and to handle climatic stress conditions more efficiently.

Although it has several benefıts, biodiversity is being seriously eroded by mainly anthropogenic effects and agricultural developments. Several conventions have been signed to prevent biodiversity losses both at habitat and key species level. Nevertheless Convention on Biological Diversity is the most comprehensive of all rather than approaching the concept in a sectoral basis. This article was intended to give fundamental information about the Convention to the researchers dealing with biological objects and to the decision makers working at agricultural and environmental sectors. Keywords : Biological diversity; agrobiodiversity; genetic resources